Author Topic: CTC Legacy Letter from Jon Snow  (Read 1290 times)


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CTC Legacy Letter from Jon Snow
« on: 08 March 2016, 10:44 »
Re the CTC Legacy Letter from Jon Snow. The timing of which I think is...well words fail me.

Anyway, as a former MG we have many senior CTC members. As Secretary of our club I have today written to them as follows:

'I wanted to communicate to our more senior CTC members, that you may well have received a letter this week from CTC. The letter is from Jon Snow, President of CTC, is in a traditional type face and even has the, now rarely used, Winged Wheel logo on it. In it, he asks that you leave a Legacy in your will to CTC.

From what I can tell the letter is genuine. However, I would suggest that you do not rush to a decision on this. Behind the scenes somewhat, so you may not know this, CTC is to re brand as Cycle UK next month. The Charity brand name Cycling UK will be pushed in the media while the old CTC name will still be used for the Limited Company. You will read all about the new brand name for the charity in the April edition of Cycle.

So, in terms of the Legacy Letter from Jon Snow. You may wish to wait a while, until you have had time to digest what this brand change actually means, understand exactly which pot of money your Legacy will be added to and what it will be spent on.

Obviously the decision to leave a Legacy is entirely yours. I just wanted to warn you about this change and suggest you wait until you are in possession of all the facts before you commit.
