Author Topic: Wednesday 27 June F&F Capt. Guy by Dennis  (Read 278 times)


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Wednesday 27 June F&F Capt. Guy by Dennis
« on: 28 June 2018, 15:11 »
Six riders turned up for the F&F ride to Winchcombe yesterday. At lunch we were joined by another member (David the Greek) who is on holiday in the UK at the moment :)
While Dave is used to these barmy temperatures the rest us got a bit hot on the ascent to Snowshill but the views atop of the Cotswolds were worth it. Back via the Lenches meant we climbed over 1,800m in our 86 mile ride.
No photos unfortunately but I can report that Guy has swapped is giant saddle bag..... you know the one containing all the cycling essential tools like an anvil, vice that attaches to the top tube, acetylene torch etc...for a bag that is smaller than my wife's purse!