Author Topic: 17jun18 Bewdley capt Tim H  (Read 279 times)

17jun18 Bewdley capt Tim H
« on: 17 June 2018, 17:10 »
Four regulars, Ruth, Mike, Roger, myself and a potential new recruit, Lorraine, met at the RLE and set off via Wythall to Barnt Green and on to Bewdley.
By the end of Gorsey Lane Lorraine had decided to turn back. Roger lasted until the Pheasant at Weatheroak Hill and the captains front derailleur split open at Hopwood forcing another early retirement. Which left Mike and Ruth to carry on (R & M: hope the rest of your ride was uneventful).

Probably the shortest club run ever recorded.  Shame because it promised to be a good day to be riding.