Author Topic: 10 June 2018 Sunday Casual Ride - Capt Mike Lacey  (Read 283 times)


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Start: 09:37; Finish: 12:26    -  26.5 miles total

Doubtless due to the absences of friends (touring in Ireland and France), the captain was joined by only two others, club members Paul and Lorraine.

Their ability and enthusiasm pushed the Captain along on his maiden voyage at just shy of 13mph on average as we took in Tanworth-in-Arden & Ullenhall en route to Wootton Wawen. The morning had begun cool-ish and overcast, but after briskly-obtained and willingly-consumed refreshments at the Cowshed, amidst other riders doing the same, the return ride via Lowsonford, Lord Archer’s Obelisk and Cheswick Green was accompanied by very pleasant sunshine and warmth, with a light NE headwind. Back at the Red Lion, arm warmers were peeled off with cheery abandon as the casual 3 set off homeward, initially together as far as Whitlock’s End station, after a very agreeable outing.