Author Topic: Wednesday 6 June 2018 F&F Capt. Pete  (Read 400 times)


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Wednesday 6 June 2018 F&F Capt. Pete
« on: 06 June 2018, 20:56 »
5 joined me for the F&F ride today. I had decided to explore the darker regions behind Bedworth and Coventry as we seldom get out that way, it's flat and the pub had the intriguing name of the Pig in Muck. We set of early doing a wide loop to avoid Bedworth and Coventry and were diverted on the way in to Leek Wootton as apparently the police were doing exercises in the road. (That gives a lovely mental picture) We continued on stopping for elevenses just outside of Wappenbury and then turned north between Coventry and Rugby and successfully crossed the A45 and the A5 to arrive at the pub in Claybrooke Magna which served some different interesting beers, very good food and was full of people even older than us! The return home took us past the Ricoh arena in Coventry by a slightly convoluted route to end up in Berkswell for an ice cream stop just before the schools came out! From there it was a bimble back to the Bull at Earlswood for post ride drinks. 83 miles for me in ideal cycling weather.