Author Topic: Wednesday28th June 2017  (Read 328 times)

Wednesday28th June 2017
« on: 28 June 2017, 17:17 »
The weather forecast was atrocious. However, in the event the deluge did not occur; in fact, what rain there was ended up being relatively light.
Only six riders met the captain at The Red Lion - where were the rest?
We set off along the standard route to the top of Weatheroak Hill where, with the roads a bit greasy, even I descended a bit gingerly only attaining 37mph.
Into Alvechurch and then over Scarfield Hill. For a change we carried straight on descending into Burcot.
Elevenses near the former Barnsley Hall Hospital where a decision was made by the captain to review the route at Elmbridge to ascertain whether a short cut to lunch would be preferable.
In Elmbridge the Captain made the decision to lop off the North-West corner of the published route. Using local knowledge the peleton was led through myriad turns in Droitwich before regaining the route just North of Ladywood. Twenty minutes later at 12.25, we arrived at The Mug Inn at Claines just North of Worcester. AFIK it's the ONLY pub in England in the grounds of a church.
Simple fare freshly made was washed down with Brakespear's Gold.
The way back was via Hindlip, Smite and Hanbury. In Lower Bentley Chris suffered a rear-wheel puncture. This enabled the other riders to watch and offer the usual helpful(?) comments. A dash up The Thrift into Upper Bentley meant the Captain said goodbye as he was nearly home!
53 miles for me, colder and shorter than last week's 72.

« Last Edit: 30 June 2017, 17:34 by JonPorteous »