Author Topic: F&F Wednesday February 20 2019 Capt. Dennis  (Read 298 times)


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F&F Wednesday February 20 2019 Capt. Dennis
« on: 25 February 2019, 21:06 »
Six others (including our Chairman) joined me yesterday for the F&F windy and hilly bash down to Claines.
Our route out via Hartlebury allowed us to dip in the valley and follow the Severn between Lincomb and Uphampton. Fears of mucky, sandy roads proved unfounded as we headed West to the pretty village at Porters Mill and up Jacobs Ladder.
Lunch at the Monkey House was good but the beer no so. As it is a pub in a graveyard, perhaps we should have gone on to the Spirits instead? The Chairman had to get back early so left 20 minutes before the peloton.
On the climb to Hanbury Church we spotted a familiar outline in the distance and with little effort, the F&F peloton managed to catch and overtake the Chairman just before the top.
However, to our complete surprise the green legged cyclist had managed to get ahead again by Tardebigge. 'Obviously took a short cut' shouted one........but no matter, we soon put Kermit back in his place :)
At the Coach & Horses we enjoyed a good pint of beer as we reflected about our aches & pains.........also if 'Malvern Gazer' should send his picture in to Shefali. 73 miles.