Author Topic: Saturday 17 February 2018 Capt. Al by Steve  (Read 282 times)


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Saturday 17 February 2018 Capt. Al by Steve
« on: 20 February 2018, 11:16 »
Five of us made the most of the beautiful weather and lengthening daylight today. Heading south we rode through an earthquake (no wonder my mudguard was rattling) without a wobble via Great Alne and Wixford to Hillers at Dunnington for our first Saturday cafe stop since darkness fell last autumn. We then did a quick blast along the Ridgeway before dropping down to Sambourne and then, after skirting round Studley so I couldn't plead for a stop at the Weatheroak Tap, along the "Bus Route" towards Weatheroak, arriving at the Coach & Horses just as darkness was falling. There was no Old Hooky and the guest Butty Bach had run out so most of us debated the quality of the Shropshire Lad, which I thought was very nice but the connoisseurs weren't so sure. Anyway it did the trick and we signed up another member for 5 years. 50 miles for me.