Author Topic: Committee Meeting 9 October 2017  (Read 5621 times)


  • Administrator
Committee Meeting 9 October 2017
« on: 17 October 2017, 13:21 »
At the Committee Meeting on Monday 9 October 2017 the following items were discussed/agreed:

1              Easy Riders rides (ER is an informal sub-set of HoECC members) :  Owing to a lack of commitment by the Easy Riders to ensure that all of its participants are registered HoECC members, the HoECC committee has decided to suspend all Easy Rider events with immediate effect. 
[The impact of non-members riding with the group potentially annuls the Ride Organiser/Leader insurance cover afforded by HoECC’s affiliations]

2        Affiliation to British Cycling Federation has been renewed for a further year.

3        The HoECC AGM will be at The Red Lion, Knowle on Monday 12 February 2018.

4        The Wednesday ride Christmas Lunch will be at The Navigation, Wootton Wawen on Wednesday 13 December 2017 - booking (which is mandatory) and payment will be open on the website by 1 November 2017 - there will again be a member subsidy of £5.

5        Charity Donations - a proportion of the club’s surplus from the Audax events has been donated to two charities : Coventry & Warwickshire Air Ambulance £500 & Cyclists fighting Cancer £250.  [A prudent balance is held in the club’s bank account]

6        With the growth in rider members on Wednesdays we have inevitably reached a point where the speed and distance variations for riders has widened (as well as sometimes overwhelming lunch venues!). 
As an experiment in November and December 2017 there will be two rides organised on alternate  weeks - one leaving at 0930 riding a little faster and going further afield, and one leaving at 1000 with distance and pace as the usual rides. The rides will be listed on the website - and, of course, we will be looking for additional Ride Captains.