Author Topic: Peak District Tour June 2017  (Read 973 times)


  • Administrator
Peak District Tour June 2017
« on: 17 August 2016, 23:53 »
Working on the plan for a UK Tour next year the consensus seems to be for something a little more sedate and flexible than an End to End! The plan therefore involves staying at a fixed location for multiple nights and having day rides out if the weather is good and not cycling if the weather is bad.
The fixed location will be Buxton. A B&B with Twin Rooms costing around £35-£40 pppn for five nights. First night is Sunday 18th June and the last night is Thursday 22nd June. Points to note:
-   How you get there is up to you, drive, Train, cycle independently or join the group ride up to Buxton on Sunday 18th June.
-   You can book on to all, or some of the nights in the B&B, up to you.
-   You do not have to do all the day rides, again up to you.
-   Each day there will be a ride, hopefully covering each direction, N, S, E & W.
-   If heavy rain is forecast, the day ride will be cancelled and we can go sightseeing/drinking in Buxton… or get the train from Buxton to somewhere else.
Interested? If so, let me know what nights you want to book. I need numbers by the end of August and will need to take a small deposit from you in September to confirm your place.