Heart of England Cycling Club Forum

The Forum => Knowledge & advice => GPS & mapping => Topic started by: Rob Gullen on 27 September 2015, 21:08

Title: GPS & batteries
Post by: Rob Gullen on 27 September 2015, 21:08
My Garmin (Edge Touring) doesn't seem to have the battery life claimed by Garmin's specification - it says 17, I might get 9 or 10 hours .... although I think this may be because it has the Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 mapping and the colour display may be power hungry (when compared with the Garmin installed basic mapping)

After consultation with "gadget man" Clive I have just purchased a battery back-up pack - it's a little bigger than a pack of cards, weighs very little and can charge two devices at the same time: you charge it up and it holds the power - you then connect it to a GPS, phone, tablet etc and it will charge/top-up the gadget's battery.   It topped up the Garmin from 50% battery to full in about 15 minutes and was equally fast topping up my phone.

This is the gadget: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00BQ5KHJW?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00  - and it cost £15.00

Title: Re: GPS & batteries
Post by: DennisSnape on 28 September 2015, 19:52
Agreed, the Garmin Touring I have only has a battery life of about 8 hours in full screen map mode. It just about lasted for a 200k audax I did earlier this year. I have found however, if I switch it to the data (like a bike computer) screen I get a lot longer battery life....and if you are following a route at the same time it will still display the map again at road junctions and waypoints.