Author Topic: Wednesday 6 March Loop Ride Capt. Joan  (Read 313 times)


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Wednesday 6 March Loop Ride Capt. Joan
« on: 12 March 2019, 12:26 »
Wednesday 6th was one of our loop rides , when we don’t stray too far from Earlswood and have lunch at a pub fairly close to the start.
It was a showery, grey morning but even so there were 12 of us prepared to do battle with the weather. We headed west for the start of the morning loop then back UP Weatheroak Hill (thanks Phil!), skirted Tanworth-in-Arden and onto a short section of the A435 before arriving at the newly refurbished Hollybush Inn at Gorcott Hill. This was a 23 mile loop. The F and F group and Nigel had beaten us to it and were about to be served when we got there.
We celebrated two birthdays- Bob and Rob T - cheers, both!
The weather improved considerably over lunch and we all headed downhill to Ullenhall, where the group split between those who were doing the afternoon loop and those who headed home.