Author Topic: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 Capt. Dennis  (Read 509 times)


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Wednesday 3rd April 2019 Capt. Dennis
« on: 11 April 2019, 11:21 »
Yesterdays F&F ride didn't involve the usual magnificent seven. The fab FIVE did however take on a FOUR counties ride that went up the THREE hills of Birmingham and the TWO of Kinver before heading back to the Coach for ONE beer.....I know my talents are wasted on here :)
After breezing up Waseley, Romsley and Clent hills it was a long descent to 11's at Churchill. Local school children had recycled plastic bottles to make a lasting poppy tribute for the village war memorial.
Our route then went to the right of Halfpenny Green up a few more hills overlooking Wolverhampton until our furthest point North at Seisdon. Another Easterly section into the wind got us to lunch at the Plough in Claverley (Nr Bridgnorth) where we were served a Cajun Chicken sandwich with salad and chips for £6.10. No Cotswold prices here!
Our route back via Six Ashes involved a series of climbs but a great descent down the Sheep Walk before the captain made a rare navigational error involving a one way street in Kinver. The steep Dordale climb and the drag up Cobley hill providing the sting in the tail.
In the Coach the numbers game continued as we discovered that we had climbed 2,276m in 82 miles!