Author Topic: Ride Captains - please note . . .  (Read 1860 times)


  • Administrator
Ride Captains - please note . . .
« on: 16 August 2015, 16:44 »
This facility is for BRIEF messages relating to your ride - please make sure the content has the DATE (as in 1 January 2016 - NOT "this Wednesday") - and detail any fallback arrangements* (e.g. "meet at xxx for lunch")

Ride details will be in the Events calendar listings - and, hopefully, there will be a .gpx file in the Library section of the website before the event.

For changes more than 48 hours before the start time send details to the Webmaster (by PM) for the Event Calendar to be updated - do not post here, the risk of detail in two places causing confusion is high!

* we did establish a while ago that The Warwickshire Lad at Wood End as the recommended fallback lunch venue - but the Ride Captain has total discretion on venue, and even if there is a fallback for the day

Messages will be deleted periodically
« Last Edit: 21 January 2019, 12:37 by Rob Gullen »