Author Topic: Wednesday 13 February 2019 Capt Andy  (Read 310 times)


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Wednesday 13 February 2019 Capt Andy
« on: 18 February 2019, 17:03 »
Five riders met at the Red Lion for a slightly truncated ride to the New Inn at Willersey. Hopwood Ladies were heading rapidly towards us as we climbed Watery Lane towards the top of Weatheroak, being pursued at speed by one of members. On seeing us he gave up the chase and tagged onto the back of our group and we descended into Alvechurch and engaged with Bear Hill. Lanes down to Flyford Flavel were rapidly despatched, where discussion turned to the caustic reviews by cyclists of the cafe there. We continued into the wind to Bishampton and crossed the river at Fladbury. A quick spin through the centre of Evesham then winding lanes to Badsey took us to our lunchtime destination. The captain unaware of the recent schism with Europe attempted to pay for his sandwich and pint with a 20 euro note which was met with ridicul and derision by the bar staff and anyone else within hearing distance. This was the precursor to an animated discussion about Brexit, our members being unable to agree a concensus and move forward on the issue.
Beer from Donnington Brewery (?) Cotswolds Swindon (!) was despatched prior to the long awaited sandwiches arriving.
A brisk tailwind projected us rapidly to Bidford then up the Bank to Redditch. A very clean ride suddenly became a festival of mud and slime on Icknield Street as we slid along the pre Roman surface.
Into the Coach for a welcome pint of Butty B and a debrief regarding our groups athletic performance during the ride and ther absence and reappearance of certain riders during key points of the parcour.
71 miles door to door, let's hope the rest of the Winter is like this.